Jim Newcomb
My success comes from helping others accomplish their career and business goals. Retail Sales, Marketing, Real Estate, and Hospitality have been the cornerstones of my career path. I love my chosen career with Goodwin Recruiting as it takes maximum advantage of my life's experiences. I've been a Recruiter with Goodwin Recruiting since 2013. I was promoted to Senior Market Partner in September 2016. That title was changed to Senior Recruiter in January 2018. I was "Partner of the Year" for 2016, "Ambassador of the Year" for 2017, and "Extensive Support Coach of the Year" for 2018. If I can be of any service to you or your company please contact me: JNewcomb@GoodwinRecruiting.com Our company website: http://www.goodwinrecruiting.com/

Video Interviews | 3 Uses for HR, Recruiters & Hiring Managers
As Recruiters and Hiring Managers, we have all become used to virtual interviews using Zoom, Google...