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How Can Employers Apply Video Content to Their Talent Attraction Strategy?

Written by JB Curtis | March 21, 2023

Video content is taking over the world. That’s no small boast – video content makes up 65% of all internet traffic in 2023, and will eventually account for more than 80%. Video offers flexibility in terms of getting a message across, and anything from amusing shorts on TikTok to full-length YouTube videos can be leveraged to convey your thoughts, beliefs or messages.

It is also highly influential in the world of business. We’ve already looked at leveraging video content to improve the employee selection process, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to video content. You can use video content to sell goods and services, create a company image and culture, and even help attract new employees.

That’s right, video content can be used as part of your talent acquisition strategy to ensure you’re getting the brightest and the best in your field. Here’s why, and how.

Video As a Recruitment Strategy

There are multiple reasons for using a video as part of your recruitment strategy. Once upon a time, recruitment was done by a list of printed bullet points, underlining your company’s core values and beliefs. Often, they could be copied and pasted from any other job, they all said the same thing. Instead of telling a candidate what your company is like, a video allows you to show them.

A video will not only improve your job posting by painting a better picture of who you are, but it will also appeal to a younger demographic. Research shows that 95% of 18–29-year-olds use YouTube, which shrinks to 73% for the over-50s. 48% of 18-29-year-olds use the video platform TikTok, but that falls to just 22% for those over 30. It’s believed that job postings with videos receive a 34% higher application rate than those without, and these stats underline the age demographic you’re likely to appeal to.

Finally, using video content as part of your recruitment strategy makes a statement about your company before you’ve even thought about the message you wish to convey. It shows you’re tech-savvy, that you embrace change and progression and are adaptable to the changing world.

How To Get Started

How should you get started when seeking to put together your own job posting video? Firstly, don’t worry about the expense of bringing in a creative director - you don't have to employ the services of outside staff. In fact, you can use JobPixel to create engaging videos featuring your current employees telling their real stories, which will make strong content without the expense.

However, you will need someone in-house to pull the video together, so perhaps nominate someone from within your organization as a project manager. A good project manager will be able to put a plan in place, delegate the tasks needed for your production and perform quality control throughout. You might have someone at the company already with some experience in this field - remember, in the modern world the likes of Instagram and TikTok are commonly used, meaning many hard skills around video production are more common than you might think. Your project manager will also need to communicate effectively with existing stakeholders, such as your marketing department or human resources. Remember, you’re not just advertising a job, you’re selling your company, so having a single point of contact for the project will ensure clarity of message and direct communication throughout the project.

Once you have allocated the right people, think about the story you want to tell. The best videos are kept short and sweet, which is social media friendly for sharing. Your assembled team will make sure your video is good quality, but in terms of content, that is up to you.

What To Include

What content should you seek to include in your video? There are a handful of fundamentals which will ensure your video hits home.

It is important to let the potential candidate know who you are; including a mission statement, business values and culture is important, and you’ll have a degree of flexibility in how to do this. Remember, it’s all about showing the viewer, not telling them.

It’s then prudent to cover a little about the key people at your company, and perhaps what the experience of working there is like for current employees. Make sure anyone you feature is not tied to a script or reciting corporate buzzwords either; the point of the video is for you to give an authentic view of your company.

Finally, end with a call to action. This is a key strategy in e-commerce and marketing, making sure you ask the viewer to do something. Usually, it is buying something or signing up, but in this instance, it will be applying for a role at your forward-thinking, innovative company that you’ve spent five or ten minutes selling on a video. This is absolutely essential to the process and must not be forgotten in a desperate desire to tell the story.


Making a recruitment video could be the difference between attracting top talent, and struggling to fill a vital role. Doing it properly, with the correct staff and a clear purpose, will enhance your recruitment strategy and prepare you for the future. 

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